OpenOffice 3.2 dirilis dengan waktu startup lebih cepat.

OpenOffice versi baru telah dirilis dengan berbagai fitur baru dan perbaikan. Perbaikan yang paling terlihat adalah waktu startup yang lebih cepat. Word dan Calc kini mulai naik 46% lebih cepat pada “cold start” dibandingkan dengan OpenOffice 3.2.

Beberapa peningkatan yang dilakukan antara lain

  • Password protected Microsoft Office XML files (supported document types: MS Word 2007 documents (*.docx, *.docm); MS Word 2007 templates (*.dotx, *.dotm); MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsm); MS Excel 2007 binary documents (*.xlsb); MS Excel 2007 templates (*.xltx, *.xltm); MS Powerpoint 2007 documents (*.pptx, *.pptm); MS Powerpoint 2007 templates (*.potx, *.potm)).
  • OLE objects, form controls and pivot tables can now be read from MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsb).
  • Encryption support within the Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP filter allows password protected Microsoft Word documents to be saved (using the Microsoft Office standard RC4 algorithm).
  • Filters for AportisDoc and PocketWord now support type detection based on DocType. As a result, files in these formats can be loaded without explicitly selecting the document type in the file picker.
  • When writing string data to SYLK files, embedded double quotes are no longer escaped by doubling; semicolons are now escaped by doubling. This improves compatibility with files created by other applications.

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