Tag Archives: Ubuntu

Ganti tahun, ganti Distro

Ganti Baju

Ubuntu, ya ubuntu.. distro yang selama hampir 4 tahun mengendap di komputer jadul saya.. Mulai dari salah install sampe hardis ke format semua, sampe bingung kehabisan space gara-gara hardis nya emang dikit..

Ubuntu, kalo di lihat di distrowatch pasti di urutan nomer satu (bukan pantun #tiffy).

Ternyata lama-lama bosen juga ya pake distro ini, pengen mencoba suasana baru. Terutama ane pengen pake KDE dan distro yang roling release. Jatuhlah pilihan pada Arch Linux. Oalah, ilmu saya masih cetek ternyata, mau install Arch Linux di Virtual Box, ga bisa terus.. Nyerah lah saya. Maklum, bukan geeks yang biasa ngompile sama nge hek nge hek 😀

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Install or Upgrade to Firefox 3.6.6 in Ubuntu Using PPA

Firefox 3.6.6
Firefox 3.6.6 is ready to download.

What’s New in Firefox 3.6.6
Firefox 3.6.6 modifies the crash protection feature to increase the amount of time that plugins are allowed to be non-responsive before being terminated.

Please see the complete list of changes in this version. You may also be interested in the Firefox 3.6.4 release notes for a list of changes in the previous version.

If you using Ubuntu you can Install or Update it via PPA.

  • Open Terminal(Applications – Accessories – Terminal) and copy-paste the following line into Terminal.
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-security/ppa
  • Done. Now update repositories and upgrade your native Firefox 3.6 to its latest version, Firefox 3.6.6.
    [bash]sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade[/bash]
  • Done

Source : http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/06/install-or-upgrade-to-firefox-366-in.html

Howto install Rails 2.3, Ruby 1.9.1, MySQL 5.1 on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04

Well, I am abit ahead of the release date. This tutorial is done on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 beta and I would not expect there would be major changes in final release that could disrupt any instructions listed here.

Ubuntu repository contains Ruby 1.9.1 package however this package suffers few bugs that doesn’t run some Gem packages. So I would highly RECOMMEND you to compile for yourself a instance of Ruby 1.9.1 from source. To compile Ruby from source, you need to install compilers and libraries headers.
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Enable Fn Keys On Your Asus EeePC and Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

It’s both nice and bad when I upgrade to a newer Ubuntu version. The good part is I have lots of posts material for the blog but the bad part is there’s always something on my main computer or netbook which doesn’t work out of the box and needs tweaking.

I really didn’t expect the Fn keys to work out of the box on my Asus EeePC 1005HA (so this method has only been tested for this Asus EeePC model, I don’t know if it works on others) and unfortunately I was right. However, the fix is very quick. Here’s what you have to do.
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